Meidai Watch

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Category: 新しい工学を求めて

February 27, 2020

The Age of AI Is Coming

"When you look at the list of leading research institutes and universities in artificial intelligence research, Japan is nowhere to be found," points out Sadaoki Furui, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Toyota Technological Institute at...

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Just as our human body has a sophisticated regulation system that uses various transmitter substances, plants must also have a similar regulating system - but how does it work? A basic research project that attempted to answer this question...

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September 27, 2019

Thinking About Cars in Nagoya

"Cars are endlessly fascinating from a cognitive science perspective," says Professor Kazuhisa Miwa of the Nagoya University School of Informatics and Sciences. Cars have been a powerful tool, giving humans freedom through mobility. We fi...

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"Participating in the six-week summer program at Nagoya University, I got a good mix of both automotive engineering and cultural experience. Japan is a place I definitely recommend visiting if you have never been there, I want to go back so...

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A 3D printer creates three-dimensional objects from digital data. They're called printers because they layer printed surfaces to create three dimensions. Printing using metal as a kind of ink makes it possible to create metal parts in compl...

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Atsuko TSUJI

Earned B.A. in Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo in 1976. Joined The Asahi Shimbun Company in 1979 as a journalist and wrote many articles in science and technology area for newspaper and magazines...[read more] published by the company including editorial pieces. Knight Science Journalism Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1989 and Reuters Fellow at University of Oxford in 2014. Designated Professor of Nagoya University's Institute of International Education and Exchange since October 2016. [close]

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